Blank Admin Page


Who on Earth would ever want a blank page sitting at the top level of their WordPress Admin menu??? Especially since it is not recommended by the Codex?

Well, there are three groups of people:

  1. (most important) me: I just wanted to write something this simple before trying funkier stuff
  2. someone who wants a non-blank page plug-in and needs a piece of code to start with
  3. Someone like Jason, who asked Barun Singh if his wonderful Custom Admin Menu plug-in for WordPress can create a new top level menu. “Custom Admin Menu” is a work of art and will save me a lot of confusion as the list of installed plug-ins grows out of control. Jason’s question was all the excuse I needed.

What it does, how it works

Once you installed and activated this plug-in (see below for the standard installation instructions) you will see one more item named “Blank” in your Admin menu:Blank Admin Page

That’s it. No do with it as you wish.


Blank Admin Page is here: Blank Admin Page


  1. Download the plugin (see “Download” above).
  2. Rename blank_admin_page.txt to blank_admin_page.php and put it into your plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/) or in a sub directory of the plugins directory.
  3. Activate the Plug-in.
  4. Enjoy!

Thank youWriting all this up took time and effort. If you happen to be actually using this plug-in – I appreciate your vote of confidence and would love to hear about it!

  1. Tiktok published an article

    Blank Admin Page | N0T a Blog

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I meddle with many complex computer deployments, and as I go through adding features and learning things, I also tend to forget numerous details and the reasoning behind the many choices I have made in the past. This is the place to document my adventures. And to give something back.

If you stumble upon this and find it useful – …good for you.